The Value of Self-Defense for Children

Learning self-defense at a young age is absolutely prudent. The real world is chaotic! As parents, you won’t be there all the time to protect your children. By giving them access to the knowledge of how to defend themselves against the unimaginable, they are inherently safer. 

The value of self-defense goes beyond the obvious applications. Kids are taught to be more responsible by knowing these skills and not abusing them in unnecessary situations. Thus, the discipline of knowing a martial art is instilled in them. The discipline will only benefit them.

Ascension MMA offers hands-on, comprehensive coaching in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. We work hard to maintain a safe, supportive environment where children of all backgrounds and experience levels are able to thrive.

Kids Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu:

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) is a ground-based combat sport focusing on using grappling and weight distribution to gain leverage over an opponent. This versatile martial art involves effective ground fighting techniques that prove to be useful for self-defense. With moves like chokeholds and joint locks, students learn to master timing and skill crucial to overcoming an attacker.

For this class, we require students to wear mouthguards and undershirts. All fingernails and toenails must be clipped for the safety of our students.

There’s More to Our Program than Simply Building Physical Strength

While we are proud to provide high-energy classes focused on building physical strength and technique, our team also recognizes the importance of cultivating mental tenacity and good character.  In all of our classes, our instructors are dedicated to fostering the development of healthy mental attitudes by encouraging self-discipline, determination, respect, and confidence. 

We're proud to help students  develop: 

  • Leadership and teamwork skills

  • Perseverance in the face of any challenge

  • Focus and attention to detail

  • Unwavering self-confidence